Saksan ALV-numero | Saksan VAT-ID | VAT-ID | VAT-ID Amazon Saksa | Saksan ALV-tunnus


Saksan ALV-numero | Saksan VAT-ID | VAT-ID | VAT-ID Amazon Saksa | Saksan ALV-tunnus


1. You can offer a more competitive selling price to the German consumer: with a German tax number/ALV code you sell your product to a German consumer at the German VAT rate (7% or 19%).

2. Your company must be registered for VAT in Germany if you store goods in Germany (e.g. Amazon FBA) or sell to German consumers and your turnover exceeds the German distance selling sales tax threshold of €10,000 (07/2021).

Please note that your company can alternatively choose to register and report VAT through the EU VAT special scheme (not possible: Amazon FBA).

3. Germany has huge market potential. It is the largest market in Europe with over 8.3 million consumers and 3.5 million businesses (30.09.2019).

Saksan ALV-numero | Saksan VAT-ID | VAT-ID | VAT-ID Amazon Saksa | Saksan ALV-tunnus


  • support for the registration of a foreign company with the German tax office 
  • assistance in filling in application forms 
  • communication with parties and agencies 
  • coordination of formalities 
  • support up to the successful owning of a German tax and VAT number 

SILTA does not provide legal and tax advice directly, as this is prohibited by German law. Specific tax or legal questions are answered by our authorised experts.

Saksan ALV-numero | Saksan VAT-ID | VAT-ID | VAT-ID Amazon Saksa | Saksan ALV-tunnus


German tax number | e.g. 12/123/12345
German VAT number (=VAT-ID) | e.g. DE123456789

Saksan ALV-numero | Saksan VAT-ID | VAT-ID | VAT-ID Amazon Saksa | Saksan ALV-tunnus


It takes about two weeks to prepare the documents. Under normal circumstances, the application process takes about 6-8 weeks from the time all the necessary paperwork is submitted to the tax office. However, you should be prepared for a pandemic to lengthen the process (recently, it can take up to 12-16 weeks to process a registration at the tax office).

Tax office schedules and workload may change during the process and this is beyond SILTA's control.

Saksan ALV-numero | Saksan VAT-ID | VAT-ID | VAT-ID Amazon Saksa | Saksan ALV-tunnus


690 €

Saksan markkinoille. Saksan messut. Yrityksen perustaminen Saksaan. Myyntiagentti Saksa. Saksan ALV-tunnus. Saksan messuille.